Mechanical Engineering
Our mining consultants can assist you with mergers and acquisitions, equity and project financing and IPOs, and can provide the intimate knowledge that you need to produce balanced and focused independent reviews and audits. Each project has its own characteristics and unique risk areas, which require the attention of experienced study managers to efficiently allocate and coordinate resources to produce balanced and focused independent reviews and audits.
Advancements in computer science found applications designing & managing plants, simplifying calculations & drawings that previously had to be done manually. The completion of the Human Genome Project is also seen asa major development.
International Expertise
As an independently owned company with no equity in any project, our impartial advice is widely accepted by the international banking and investment community and a wide range of mining clients. Our experienced mining consultants are often requested by finance institutions to conduct due diligence audits of ore reserves, mining assessments and environmental considerations for inclusion into prospectuses for stock exchange listings as well as for sale and purchase agreements and valuations. We also act as expert witnesses on mining related litigation and arbitration cases.Because of our size and geographic spread, we can organize and deploy the required multi-disciplinary teams at multiple sites around the world concurrently and at short notice. This not only reduces costs for the client, but also enables rapid progress on several fronts which is often crucial to meet transaction timelines.We know what it takes for an independent project review to provide assurance, highlight the areas of risk, and provide clients with the necessary real, defensible project information to meet the standards of the investment community.